We would like to recognize Assemblyman Raj Mukherji for introducing a new piece of legislation just last week! On January 7th, 2021, Assemblyman Mukherji introduced Assembly Bill 5222 which establishes requirements for optometrists to be authorized to administer immunizations.

If passed, the bill will allow optometrists to administer immunizations through any form if they meet certain training and qualification criteria. The criteria are as follows:
– The optometrist must meet the requirements established by the New Jersey Board of Optometry
– Administration of the immunization must follow recommendations from the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices in the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This bill is a huge step forward in a post-COVID age that will allow individuals greater accessibility to critical immunizations. Optometrists will be able to immunize any patient who is at least 10 years of age and provide the influenza immunization to anyone who is at least 7 years of age. By increasing patients’ accessibility to common immunizations, we bolster our communal immunity and prevent certain outbreaks.

To learn more about this piece of legislation and read the introduced bill, you can visit https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2020/Bills/A9999/5222_I1.PDF

Let your voice be heard! Reach out to local elected officials regarding your thoughts or opinions on legislation such as this so that they can better decide how to vote on future matters.

To learn more about Assemblyman Mukherji and his recent undertakings, you can visit his official website at https://www.electraj.com

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